Monday 23 May 2011

The start of something new

Well I've taken the plunge and decided to go it alone, professionally.
I've handed my notice in and started up as a sole trader.
Happy days

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Monday 28 March 2011

Wikipedia never lies

  • "Working more hours" does not necessarily mean "producing more output"
  • "A happy team makes a tough task look simple"

Can't be wrong it's here.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Weekend Ride

17 miles in one hour. That's my new personal best on my bike. There was a fair bit of blood sweat and tears.
Next objective 18 miles :-)

Cycling past MAMILs in a manky pair or shorts and a high street T-shirt, and my scruffy bike, was the best bit.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Quote of the day

"Top notch development teams don't torture their programmers. Even minor frustrations caused by using underpowered tools add up, making programmers grumpy and unhappy. And a grumpy programmer is an unproductive programmer."

Taken from today's read here

NHibernate and "The method or operation is not implemented."

I've had a minor set back.
Group joins don't seem to be implemented in version 3 of NHibernate. I found a blog that stated they were going to be added, but that was in November last year.
By my reckoning I have 2 obvious options.

  1. Swap out NHibernate for Linq to SQL but put in a common interface so I can swap it back later
  2. Re-work the linq code I have already developed and am re-using
I favour option 1 right now, which I thought would be a "Nice to do" right from the start.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Fluent NHibernate and DB to Entity

I have a project to update a web app, which has a mature MSSQL database, to use ASP.Net MVC and NHibernate. The old Subsonic DAL is to be replaced so I've been looking into Fluent NHibernate.

The "My first Fluent NH" test app went well but getting the database to auto build the entity classes was more hit and miss.

I used NHibernate Mapping Generator which did a fair job at auto building the code but fell short when it came to foreign keys and keys that were made up of more than one column.

I think I'll end up using what was auto generated as a starting point to building new entity classes by hand, then auto build the DB from them. Interesting.. <scratched head>