Tuesday 28 February 2017

Web API Testing

This is a little gem for helping to test APIs

Monday 13 February 2017

4 in 1 Taranis module - Programming with an Arduino UNO

  1. Program the UNO with the Arduino ISP code in Examples
  2. Load the Miltiprotocol sketch from here: https://github.com/pascallanger/DIY-Multiprotocol-TX-Module
  3. Connect up the UNO to the 4in1 board
    Pin10  -> RST
    Pin11  -> MOSI
    Pin12  -> MISO
    Pin13  -> SCK
    Ground -> GND
    3.3V   -> VCC
  1. Set Board "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini"
    Set Processor "AtMega328 5V, 16Mhz"
  2. Choose the protocols to support so they fit in the available memory by opening _Config.h and commenting out what you don't need from Protocols To Include. Don't comment out a whole module above.
  3. Burn and Prosper